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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Introduction to Fire Service Selection and Entry
Course: FSC101

First Term: 2020 Fall
Lec + Lab   4.0 Credit(s)   5.0 Period(s)   5.0 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: T - Lab Load

Description: Overview of the application and selection processes used by various fire departments and fire service organizations. Focus on the skills and abilities required for entry-level positions in the fire department, including oral and written communication skills, mathematical and mechanical skills, problem-solving skills, and physical agility and stamina. Elements of fire service culture and their effects on personal growth and interpersonal relationships. Major components of written application processes, requirements, preparation of resumes and their effect on employment prospects. Preparation for the interview to include communications skills, mental preparation techniques, behaviors, and the importance of the interview in the pre-employment process.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Identify the job qualifications and requirements used by various fire departments and fire service organizations. (I, II)
2. Describe the steps in the process of applying for an entry-level, firefighter position. (I, II)
3. Describe the components of the selection process used by the fire services. (II)
4. Define key terms used in fire service. (II)
5. Identify accepted protocols in various local fire departments. (III)
6. Describe the impact of departmental culture on interpersonal relationships. (IV)
7. Describe the impact of social media and off duty behaviors on the fire service profession. (V)
8. Prepare a resume for use in the application process. (VI)
9. Demonstrate the behaviors and responses appropriate to the type of mock interview and role assigned (interviewee/interviewer). (VII)
10. Demonstrate effective writing and reading skills required on the job. (VIII)
11. Communicate with members of diverse populations in a culturally responsive manner. (IX)
12. Solve basic fireground mathematical problems. (X)
13. Solve basic fireground mechanical problems. (X)
14. Explain basic firefighting tasks. (XI)
15. Explain the relationship between proper nutrition and health. (XII)
16. Demonstrate proper exercise techniques for specific physical fire-fighting tasks. (XII)
17. Describe mental preparation that contributes to optimal fire-fighting performance. (XII)
18. Explain the relationship between training and physical performance on the fireground. (XII)
19. Describe the need for general education and the importance of lifelong learning in career planning and fire service selection. (XIII)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Application process
   A. Differences in Fire Department applications
   B. Where to start, questions to ask, and what to look for
   C. Personnel department policies
   D. Job qualifications and requirement
II. Selection processes for the Fire Services
   A. Researching the fire services and organizations
   B. Testing processes
      1. Key terms
      2. Written
      3. Oral
      4. Skills
      5. Physical agility
      6. Drug screening
   C. Departmental handouts and study guides
   D. Variations among local fire agencies
III. Accepted protocol to local fire departments
   A. Ride-along programs
   B. Shift work schedule
   C. Visiting fire stations
   D. Volunteer programs
      1. Reserve
      2. Cadets
IV. Fire Service Culture
   A. Supportive behaviors
   B. Destructive behaviors
   C. Effect on personal growth
   D. Effect on interpersonal relationships
V. Impact of social media and off duty behaviors
   A. Community
   B. Professional
   C. Personal
VI. Resume writing
   A. Importance
   B. Types
   C. Critiquing
VII. Interview Skills
   A. Components and purpose of an interview
   B. Types of interviews
      1. Simple
      2. Formal
      3. Oral board
   C. Mental preparation
      1. Stress model
      2. Relaxation techniques
      3. Focus training
      4. Visualization
      5. Performance keys
      6. Master skills
   D. Appropriate behaviors and responses
   E. Mock interviews
      1. Applicant role
      2. Interviewer role
      3. Appraising and analyzing
VIII. Writing and reading skills
   A. Studying techniques
      1. International Fire Science Training Association (IFSTA) books and study guides
      2. Fire department terminology
      3. Survey, question, read, recite, review
   B. Reading comprehension
   C. Grammar and usage
      1. Sentence Structure
      2. Parts of speech
      3. Spelling
      4. Fire department terminology
   E. Job-related writing situations
IX. Culturally responsive communication
X. Mathematical and Mechanical Skills
   A. Mathematical problems on the fireground
      1. Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
      2. Word problems
      3. Decimal problems
      4. Percentage problems
      5. Square root problems
   B. Mechanical aptitude required on the fireground
      1. Gears
      2. Pumps
      3. Pulleys
      4. Levers
      5. Other basic mechanical principles
   C. Local order placement
      1. Visualization of objects in space
      2. Map reading
XI. Firefighting task development
      1. Ladders
      2. Ventilation
      3. Search and rescue
      4. Hose evolutions
      5. Other tasks
XII. Physical Fitness
   A. Physical requirements of fire fighting
      1. Physical fitness
      2. Nutritional impact on the fire-fighter longevity
   B. Physical aspects of fire-fighting performance
      1. Exercise principles
      2. Exercise physiology
      3. Proper exercise techniques
   C. Physical agility preparations
      1. Physical fitness
      2. Mental fitness
      3. Mastering motor skills
      4. Agility testing
XIII. Basic education skills for Fire Departments
   A. Importance of general education
   B. Selecting general education classes that enrich personnel development
   C. Career Planning
   D. Lifelong learning
   E. Promotional opportunities
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: February 25, 2020

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.