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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Historical Architecture and Furniture
Course: INT115

First Term: 2020 Fall
Lecture   3.0 Credit(s)   3.0 Period(s)   3.0 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: S - Standard Load

Description: Historical survey of the development of architecture, interiors, furniture, and decorative arts from antiquity to the Industrial Revolution.

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Develop and apply a vocabulary of historic terminology relative to architecture, interiors, furniture, and decorative arts. (I-X)
2. Trace the evolution of styles of architecture, interiors, furniture, and decorative arts relative to the historical context of social, political, economic, and technological developments. (I-X)
3. Identify and describe the distinctive characteristics of architecture, interiors, furniture, and decorative arts associated with civilizations from antiquity to the Industrial Revolution. (I-X)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Antiquity
   A. Egyptian
   B. Greek
   C. Roman
II. Traditional eastern design
   A. Chinese
   B. Japanese
   C. Indian
III. Islamic
   A. Middle Eastern
   B. European
   C. African
IV. Middle Ages
   A. Byzantine
   B. Early Christian
   C. Romanesque
   D. Gothic
V. Renaissance
   A. Italian
   B. Spanish
VI. Baroque
   A. Italian
   B. Spanish
VII. French periods
   A. Renaissance
   B. Baroque: Louis XIV
   C. Rococo: Louis XV
   D. Neoclassic: Louis XVI
   E. Directoire and Empire
VIII. English periods
   A. Early Renaissance
   B. Restoration/William and Mary
   C. Queen Anne
   D. Georgian
   E. Chippendale
   F. Neoclassic: Adam, Hepplewhite, Sheraton
   G. Regency
IX. Pre-Columbian Americas
   A. South American
   B. Meso-American
   C. North American
X. American periods
   A. Early American/Colonial
   B. Georgian
   C. Federal
   D. Empire
   E. Pilgrim
   F. Jacobean
   G. William and Mary
   H. Queen Anne
   I. Chippendale
   J. Federal
   K. Regional
   L. Victorian
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: December 10, 2019

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.