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Center for Curriculum and Transfer Articulation
Electronic Music I
Course: MTC191

First Term: 2018 Fall
Lec + Lab   3 Credit(s)   4 Period(s)   4 Load  
Subject Type: Occupational
Load Formula: T Lab Load

Description: An introduction to producing music with Musical Instrument Digital Interface (MIDI) configurations consisting of computers, printers, synthesizers, and other compatible MIDI instruments

MCCCD Official Course Competencies
1. Describe MIDI function and its application to MIDI configurations. (I)
2. Apply basic principles of acoustics in constructing sequenced compositions. (I, II)
3. Utilize computer, printer, and appropriate software for producing music scores and inputting song data. (III)
4. Demonstrate ability to operate synthesizers and other compatible MIDI instruments. (III)
5. Produce, perform, and record sequenced song arrangements from the standard repertoire. (IV)
MCCCD Official Course Competencies must be coordinated with the content outline so that each major point in the outline serves one or more competencies. MCCCD faculty retains authority in determining the pedagogical approach, methodology, content sequencing, and assessment metrics for student work. Please see individual course syllabi for additional information, including specific course requirements.
MCCCD Official Course Outline
I. Introduction to Electronic Music
   A. Overview of the history of electronic music
   B. Development of analog and digital synthesis
   C. History of MIDI D Implications of MIDI for the future of music
   E. Electronic music in the home studio, albums, movies, video, commercials, and live performance
II. Concepts in Acoustics and Music Synthesis
   A. Basic harmonic structure and sound waves
   B. Envelopes and wave forms
   C. Analog/subtractive synthesis
   D. Sampling
III. Use of Hardware and Software
   A. Computer and printer
   B. Synthesizers and other compatible MIDI instruments
   C. Word processing software notation and sequencing software
      1. Initialize disks
      2. Open programs
      3. Cut, copy, and paste
      4. Create and save files
      5. Mouse and keyboard commands
      6. Print hard copy
   D. MIDI basics and MIDI daisy chain configuration
IV. Music Production
   A. Composition at the computer
   B. Print out scores and parts
   C. Sequence songs for public performance
   D. Documentation of projects
      1. Diary of work sessions using a standard word processing package
      2. Copy songs to tape
   C. Sequence songs for public performance
   D. Documentation of projects
         a. Diary of work sessions using a standard word processing package
         b. Copy songs to tape
MCCCD Governing Board Approval Date: 2/23/1999

All information published is subject to change without notice. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information presented, but based on the dynamic nature of the curricular process, course and program information is subject to change in order to reflect the most current information available.